fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms

fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms

fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms
Fish dependent on the aquatic environment, and it has a very important role in keeping the aquatic environment balanced. This statement holds enough force in itself, which does not have any fish in the water, then the water biological condition of that water is not normal. Fish has been considered as a bioincetter by scientists. Whether there are rivers flowing in different water bodies, whether natural lakes, ponds or man-made large or medium-sized reservoirs, if the microscopic study of the environment of all, then the conclusion is that water and fish are both one There are quite a lot connected to the other. Fish have a special utility to keep the environment balanced.

Importance fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms

A balanced diet is needed in the nutrition and production of the body. Fulfilling balanced diet can be done by mixing different foods with appropriate amounts. To keep body healthy, protein, fat, carbohydrate, vitamins, mineral salts etc. are needed, which are found in different food items in different ratios. There should be more amounts of protein for the production of a healthy body because it creates structures of muscles, fibers, etc. Vitamins, minerals, salts, etc. balance the main functions of the body. Fish, meat, eggs, milk, pulses etc. can be used primarily in a balanced diet. About 70 to 80 percent of the fish in the fish, 13 to 22 percent of protein, 1 to 3.5 percent of mineral content and 0.5 to 20 percent fat are found in the fish. Calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, sulfur, magnesium, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine etc. are available in fish, as a result of which the diet of fish is considered very nutritious. Apart from these, riboflavin, niacin, pentothanic acid, biotin, thymine, vitamin B12, B6 etc. are also found which are beneficial for health. In all the countries of the world, different kinds of fish are made using dishes. The usefulness of fish meat can be seen everywhere. Freshwater fish are found to be very low in fat and have a quick digestive protein. There are about 20,000 species of people all over the world and 2200 species of Indian species in the year. About 375 fish species are available in the Ganges river system, which is India's largest river system. [Fact desired] Scientists have found availability of 111 fish species in Uttar Pradesh and Bihar.
fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms
fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms

Fish is a high quality food. Uttar Pradesh Fisheries Department is continuously working to increase its production. Different types of ponds, ponds and water systems are available in the rural areas of Uttar Pradesh, which can be availed by scientifically fishery and increase the fish production and provide nutritious and balanced diet to the people.

Guidelines for Fisheries ,fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms

Any interested person who has his own private pond for fishery or private land or lease pond, can get the facility of fishing in any district in Uttar Pradesh.

Interested persons, who have their own private land or pond, contact the land measuring Khatra Khatauni and the district office. The District Office can be contacted with lease issuance certificate for fisheries on lease pond.
The project is prepared by the Regional Fisheries Development Officer / Engineer by surveying the land/pond.
The soil samples of ponds / proposed ponds are tested free of cost in the departmental laboratory and its duly informed information is given to the interested person.
If there is any deficiency before soil-water testing, then the person who wants to treat / diagnose fisheries is told.
If the land / pond is fisheryable then the project is prepared by the district office and sent for loan approval to the project bank, including the recommendation.
On receipt of bank approval, the amount of grant is sent to the bank.
Technical information for fisheries and fisheries training can be obtained by contacting Regional Fisheries Development Officer / Jana or Central Office at the block / tehsil level.
Fishery seed is supplied by Fisheries Department / Fisheries Development Corporation. Interested fisheries can obtain fishery seeds by them.
From time to time, information about the facilities being given to departmental schemes and fishermen in agricultural fairs / exhibitions is given.

The information regarding fishery marketing can be obtained from the concerned district-level office. Fisheries Calendar

Guidance can be taken as per the following calendar for fisheries: -
first quarter
Month of April, May and June.

  • Selection of suitable pond
  • Selection of suitable site for the construction of new pond
  • Soil water investigation
  • Completion of pond correction / construction work by taking technical and economic support through Fisheries Development agencies for pond improvement / construction.
  • Cleanliness of undesirable aquatic vegetation.
  • With the use of 25 kuntal mahua khali in the tank of one hectare depth of one meter water or through the trap of frequent traps, drainage of undesirable fish.
  • For the increase of Urwa Shakti, use of 250 kgs / ha and generally 10 to 20 kg / ha / month dung manure.

second quarter ,fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms

The month of July, August and September

  • Before water testing of fish seed accumulation (PH 7.5 to 8.0 and dissolved oxygen should be 5 mg / L).
  • Storage of 10,000 to 15,000 fish seed from 25 to 50 mm in the pond.
  • Examine the natural food available in water.
  • Use of NPK fertilizers (urea 20 kg, single super-phosphate 25 kg, mutant of potash 4 kg), at the rate of 49 kg / ha / month, after 15 days of use of cow's manure.

third quarter

Month of October, November and December

  • Check the growth rates of fish.
  • Use of seepax for the prevention of fishery disease, or by putting the diseased fishes in potassium permanganate or salt solution and in the pond again.
  • Examine the natural food in the water.
  • Feeding supplements
  • Use of aquatic vegetation (lemra, hydrilla, fungus, serotoxylum etc.) for grass carp fish.
  • Use of fertilizers.

fourth quarter

Month of January, February and March.

  • Extraction and sale of big fish
  • Repayment of loan installment of bank
  • Accumulation of approximately 1500 seeds of Kaman carp fish in one hectare pond
  • Feeding supplements
fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms
fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms

Use of fertilizers.

the detailed description of fisheries

Selection/construction of suitable pond for rearing
As the land is needed for agriculture, the pond is required for fisheries. In rural areas, various types of ponds and ponds are available in adequate number which are property of private, institutional or village councils. These types of water resources are either indigestible or used for soil erosion, cultivation of irrigation, feeding of cattle, irrigation of adjoining agricultural land etc.

For ponds, select ponds of 0.2 hectare to 5.0 hectare should be selected which include water for 8-9 months throughout the year. To keep the ponds evergreen, there should be a means of supply of water. In the pond there must be one to two meters of water throughout the year. Ponds are selected in areas which are not affected by the flood and can reach the pond easily. The dams are torn off and high, unevenness of the floor, the absence of water coming and going, the possibility of more water coming from other areas, etc. The deficiencies are found naturally in the pond, can be done. If there are dunes on the pond for the proper size of the pond, then they should be put on the clay extract. Depth can be uniformized by removing the soil from a lesser depth position. Bonds of the pond should be higher than the flood level. The arrangement of forged in the way of the arrival and exit of water is necessary so that the fishes which can not go out can not go out and the undesirable fish can not come in the pond. The improvement work of the pond should be done by the month of April and May, in which the time for fisheries can be obtained.

Selection of a suitable place for the construction of a new pond is particularly important. Soil water holding capacity and fertilizer should be considered as the basis for selection for the construction of the pond. The pond should not be constructed on poor and wasteland. The construction of a pond on the soil which is high in acid and alkalinity is not enough. In addition, the construction of the pond in the soil of sandy soil is not suitable as water is not stopped in the saline soil ponds. The construction of the pond in the soil with smooth soil is absolutely suitable. This soil has high concentration capacity. PH 6.5-8.0 of soil, organic carbon 1% and soil in sand 40%, silts 30% and clay 30%. Before the construction of the pond, the soil test must be done from the labs of laboratory fisheries or other laboratories. In the slopes of the pond, the proportion of base and height in the slopes on either side is generally 2: 1 or 1.5: 1. The height of the tied should be kept above the desired height at the beginning so that the soil remains seated for a few years due to peeling, its weight and rainfall. The bite can be stopped by planting plants and grass. For this, bananas, papayas etc can be planted on the outer slope of the tree bundle. The construction of new pond is an important task and in this regard the officers of the fisheries department should be consulted.

Use of lime for aquaculture

The lightening of water is beneficial for fishery. Water should not be acidic or more alkaline Lime increases the alkalinity of the water or balances the acidic acid and alkalinity of water. In addition, free lime fishes free from the influence of various parasites and makes water of pond suitable. In one hectare pond, 250 kg of lime should be used before the fish seed accumulation one month.

Use of dung manure

Dung manure has important role in the preparation of pond. This creates natural food of fish. Should be used in 10 equal monthly installments of 10-20 tonnes per hectare, 15-20 days before dung farming, fishery seed accumulation. If the pearl of mahua is put out for the disposal of undesirable fish in the preparation of the pond, then the first installment of cow dung compost is not required.

Use of chemical fertilizers

Generally, the chemical fertilizers should be used in urea 200 kg, single super phosphate 250 kg and mutant of potash 40 kg ie total mixture 490 kgs per hectare 10 equal monthly installments. Thus, the mixture of chemical composts of 49 kgs per hectare per month should be used in the pond after 15 days after the use of cow dung manure. If the color of the water of the pond becomes dark green or deep blue, the use of fertilizers should be stopped until the color of water is in proper condition.

Supply of fishery seeds

Accumulation of the pure seed of such a good fish species should be ensured in the pond which should not be harmed by one another while staying in the same aquatic environment and consume the food available on different surfaces of the pond and grow faster. In Indian Major Carp Fishes, mixing silver carp, grass carp and common carp in Katla, Rohu and Nain and foreign carp fishes are particularly beneficial. Pure seed of the best fishery species is the basic requirement of fisheries. Uttar Pradesh Fisheries Development Corporation's hatchery and fishery department's fields are supplied to the fish farmers at the prescribed government rates till the pond in oxygen packing. Special emphasis has been given on the privatization of fishery seed production in the field of fishery seed production as per the demand for self-reliance in the field of private sector and to set up a mini fishing basin hatchery in the private sector up to Rs 8.00 lakh. The loan and subsidy of 10 percent subsidy on this is permissible. Fish spinach can also acquire pure seeds from small-scale chemists set up in private areas.

Fishery Seed Storage & Care of Angulars

Fishery species should be followed in the pond which should not be harmful to each other by living together in an environment, increasing rapidly using the food available on each surface so that more and more fish production from a limited water area Be sure to In Indian Major Carp Fishes, mixed composition of silver carp, grass carp and common carp in Katla, Rohu, Nain and foreign carp fish is very beneficial. Prior to the accumulation of fish seeds in the pond, it is worth noting that the preparations have been completed and organic production has been done. The natural food of the fish, which is called Planton, should be available in sufficient quantity. The availability of one millilitre or in 50 liters of water is indicative of the fact that fish seeds can be stored. 10,000 fish seeds of less than 50 mm soil and 5000 fingerlings of more than 50 mm should be accumulated in one-hectare area. If six types of native and foreign carp fish are being mixed, then the ratio of 20 percent silver carp 10 percent, Rohu 30 percent, grass carp 10 percent, nan 15 percent and Kaman carp 15 percent is suitable. If silver carp and grass carp fish are not being followed and 4 types of fishes are being shifted then the accumulation ratio is 40%, Rohu 30%, Nain 15% and Kaman Karp 15% is beneficial. If only Indian major carp fishes are being followed then the cutlass should be 40 percent, Rohu 30 percent, Nain 30 percent ratio. The seeds of the Kaman carp fish can be obtained in the months of March, April and May and the seeds of other carp fish can be received in July, August, September.
fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms
fish farming aquaculture diseases and symptoms


Symptoms: - On the body like white cotton wines, white flakes are grown for whiteness.

the treatment
Damping the solution of 1: 1000 potassium in 1: 2000 concentration of 3% ordinary salt slurry or copper sulphate, for 1-5 minutes, the effect of 5-10 ml water effect on small ponds of one gram malachite green is 5-10 m.

The symptom of Botryomycosis: -

Due to the collapse of gills, due to suffocation, the diseased fish tries to drink air on the upper surface. Repeat open and close the mouth frequently.

the treatment
Prevention of pollution, by increasing the water level in the pond with fresh water or using 50-100 kg/ha of lime or 3-5% in a solution of salt or bath in 0.5-meter depth ponds with copper sulfate at the rate of 8 kg/ha. To use.

Fish and tailor

Symptoms :-

In the initial stage, whitening on the edges of wings, later wings and tail rot.

the treatment :-

Mixing the folic acid in the water with food, mixing the immaculate drug into 10 ml per 100 liters of water, mixing diseased fish in solution for 24 hours (2-3 times) acrylic 1 percent in one thousand liters of water by 100 ml The fish should be kept in the solution for 30 minutes.

Ulcer (lesion) symptoms: -

Found wounds on head, body and tail.

the treatment:-

Use potash in the pond at the rate of 5 mg / ll, make 600 mg / ha (3 times in seven-seven days interval), make a solution in caffex 1 liter of water and put it in the pond,

Draper set (ascites) symptoms: -

Internal organ and ventilation in the abdomen

the treatment :-

Fisheries should be given proper system of clean water and food, after 15 days after the rate of 100 kg / ha 0 (2-3 times)

Protozone's disease "Costasisis" Symptom: -

Small spots on the body and gulls

the treatment :-

10 minutes in the solution of 50PPM Fermilin or 1: 500 glial acetic acid solution

Eyeball syndrome: -

Coronel's redness in the eyes is the first symptom, finally the eyes falling, the faded color of the gills, etc.

the treatment :-

Use of Injection as per Potash 2-3 ppp 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, per day, of stematomycin, weight of 70-80 mg per kg of fish (up to 10 days), stematomycin.

Ichthyostritis (itching of the itching)

Symptoms :-

The discharge of more mucous membranes, appearing small white spots on the body

the treatment :-

Every day for 7-10 days, the use of 200 PPM Fergellon solution is used for bathing hours, 2% of normal solution for more than 7 days,

Trichodineiosis and schipidiosis

Symptoms :-

Difficulty in respiration, restlessness, rubbing the body on the side of the pond, excessive synovial discharge on the skin and gills, above the body

the treatment :-

2-3 percent of normal salt solution (up to 5-10 minutes), 10PPM using copper sulphate solution, 20-25 ppm M. pharmoline use


Symptoms :-

Mustard seeds on skin, monophobia, gull and irritants

the treatment :-

In 0.1 pph Mango formoline, submerge 1-2 equal white kosh minutes in 50PPM pharmoline, use 15-25ppm Pharmacal in the pond every other day, use it till the disease ends, more patient should be killed fish and transfer fish to another pond Should be done.

Symptoms of Cossiosis: -

Excessive swelling, discharge, difficulty in breathing and stimulation

the treatment :-

Bathe in the solution of 2-3 percent ordinary salt 50ppm pharmoline solution for 5-10 minutes or 1: 500 glacious acetic acid (10 minutes).

Dectialogarolysis and Gyradactyloscic (Trematododes) Symptom: -

Outbreaks occur on gills and skin and in the body black colored

Treatment: - In the solution of 500 ppm P Potash O (Gydavad), give a bath in the solution of 1: 2000, acetic acid and sodium chloride 2% solution in 5 minutes.

Diphostomiasis or Black Spat Symptoms: - Black spots on the body

the treatment:-

The life cycle of the parasite should be broken. Stop snails or birds

Ligolysis symptoms: -

Due to the presence of worms, the abdomen blossomed.

Treatment: - The life cycle of the parasite should be broken. For this, the organisms associated with the life cycle are not allowed to enter the pond or the pond of the birds, dipping into 1: 500 fumoline solution for 10 minutes, using 1-3 percent salt solution.


Symptoms: - Vulnerable degenerative form, red small scales on the body etc.

Treatment: - After expelling the water of the pond for 24 hours, it is best to use lemon juice at the rate of 0.1-0.2 gram / liters of gumoxin fortnight for two to three times. Dissolve 35 ml ciphermethin medicine in 100 liters of water and use it at a rate of 1 oz for three times in 5-5 days in the pond

Lerniasis (anchor worm disease) fishery


Bloodlessness, weakness and body spots in fish

the treatment:-

Use of 1PPM gamaxine due to mild disease infections or use of Bromos 50 at 0.12PPM in pond

Other Diseases EDUS (epiotic) ulcerative syndrome symptoms: -

In the early stages, red gummy is found on the body of the chest which gradually becomes deep and starts rotting. Ulcers are also found on the stomach head and tail of fish. Lastly the fish dies.

the treatment :-

Healing efficacy of 600 kg per hectare. Ceifax 1 liter per hectare is also effective.


It is necessary for supplementary feeding to be able to produce more fish. Diet should be like that which is full of nutrients like a natural diet. Generally protein rich inexpensive supplements should be used. Mixing equal quantity of peanut, mustard, coconut or sesame gram flour and rice kana or wheat bran should be given to 1-2 percent of the total weight of fish. Estimates of the average weight of fish can be done by weaving some fish after 15 to 15 days of going after the trap. If grass carp fish are being followed then there should be a daily part of the aquatic vegetation such as lemna, hydrilla, disinfected, cerothophyllum etc. and terrestrial vegetation such as napier, verseem and corn leaves etc., as much as they can eat. Supplements should be given at certain times and places and when the food given earlier has been eaten by the fish, re-supplement the diet. Depreciation can be increased as per use. Supplements can be given by putting bamboo in plates or trays placed in the tray. If the use of supplementary feeding becomes a layer of moss on the surface of water, the use of the diet should be stopped for some time as there is a possibility of decrease in dissolved oxygen and fish in the water of the pond.
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