What is agriculture and best farming method

What is agriculture and best farming method 

What is agriculture and best farming method 
What is Agriculture is also called farming. It is not only limited to farming, best farming method  but it also comes with products of essential products such as food, clothes, drinks, and fuels etc. to meet the needs of life. For all these reasons, the person can live with ease in his life. Since ancient times, agriculture has been the mainstay of the life and livelihood of every community, as well as agriculture has given rise to many civilizations and taught people how to live. That's why students choose agricultural science as their subject in order to be educated about it. But there is a right way to cultivate and today we are telling you what methods you can adapt to get the right farming and successful harvest

Agricultural Practices:

Agriculture is the key to the cultivation of agricultural inputs. These are some of the steps you can take to see a farmer in a field near you.

1. Preparation of Soil
2. Seeding
3. Add Manure and Fertilizer
5. Protecting from Pesticides (Protection from Weeds)
7. Storage

  • · Preparation of soil: First of all, it is necessary for the soil to be fully prepared because it is necessary for the crop to grow and it is only polluted or if it is polluted or hard, it is very bad on your crop. It does impact. Therefore, before planting any new crop, take the soil stock. From this, the polluted elements pressed in the soil are released and your soil becomes loose. It has the advantage that the roots of your crop can reach far away and take the necessary water and nutrients for themselves.
  • After getting the soil, you should do one thing as well so that when you sow the seeds in it, do not spread its disorder. You can use the tractor for both of these things. The first halls were used for these works. In which the ox or any animal could afford it. But after the technology and industrial development, the work of plowing has become very easy and there are some such tools in the market which you can cultivate by placing it with the tractor at the same time and equate the soil.
  • Sowing seeds: Seed sowing is also considered an art because for every crop you have to sow the seeds in different ways. Someone has to make a hole in your own soil and someone has to throw it in the air, then someone starts going to water. But one thing in all these things is that it is necessary to have a difference in the middle of every seed so that one plant does not take nutrients from other plants and do not obstruct its growth. For this, machines are used today and tied with tractor.
    What is agriculture and best farming method
    What is agriculture and best farming method 

How to Agriculture What is agriculture and best farming method 

How to Agriculture
Note: If the seeds fail to sow, keep them in hot water for 1 to 2 days so that all the dirt is removed from the seeds. This reduces the effect of any type of pesticide on seeds and your seeds are safe.

Add Manure and Fertilizer: Just as every person requires food and nutrients, plants also need manure to stay healthy. He meets all the essential elements for this fertilization only for him. But the compost is of two types.

  1. Farming
  2. agriculture
Manure: They are made with the help of cow dung, grass foon, water, and earthworms. They are completely rotten and natural. It is considered to be the perfect food for the fall because it does not cause any kind of damage to the crop.

Fertilizer: They are manufactured by chemicals in factories. Because of which it can harm your crop. Together with soil, they increase the time of development of the crop irregularly. Thereby, both crops and soil have to suffer losses.

Agricultural practices What is agriculture and best farming method 

Agricultural practices
Irrigation: Irrigation is meant to give water to the soil and to make the soil wet. Earlier, the use of water for drinking water was used more, but nowadays tube wells are easily irritated. But the method of transmitting water to every corner of the crop is still centuries old. According to which the crop is divided into some areas, then the clay bar is placed around them. These enclosures are opened in place. So that part of the crop can get water. After this, the water is left in the bed. The water from these beds reaches every corner of the crop.

Farming methods What is agriculture and best farming method 

Farming methods
Protection from the Weeds: As the crop grows, it has to be taken into account, and in the crop you will have noticed that some insects are taken or weed. This can harm your crop. That's why you have to remove them to keep your crops safe, only then your crop can be fully grown. This can damage your crops not only on land but also under the ground. They are considered as sickness and poison for any crop. Therefore, there are some insecticides in the market that you use on them and keep your crops safe and healthy.

Harvesting: After the harvest is ready, one works only and it is cutting it. Most cropping cuts around the time of autumn. But every crop has its own time. Due to different types of crops, the method of cutting them is also different. As machines are used to cut a crop, someone is broken by hand. For this, most people used tarathi. Nowadays tractor, fodder machine, crop cutting and fodder separator, grain carts and baler are used for harvesting.
What is agriculture and best farming method
What is agriculture and best farming method 

· Storage: Now the last thing is that you store your crops in one place, so that if you need to, you can use it and take it out of the market and buy it. One of the reasons behind collecting the seeds is that they can be protected from their weather, moisture, air, bird, kite moths and microorganisms. So they are put in boards and kept in a warehouse.

Note: The seeds are stored only when they are happy. On collecting wet seeds, ket is taken, as well as they develop. So you keep them in a warehouse after drying them.
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