Organic farming: AGRICULTURE fully tips

Organic farming: AGRICULTURE

Growing population in the whole world is a serious problem, for the supply of food along with the increasing population, the human consumption of food production  AGRICULTURE in a variety of chemical fertilizers, the use of toxic insecticides, nature to achieve maximum production The cycle of exchange between biological AGRICULTURE and inorganic substances (mechanical systems) affects the fertile power of the land, which is damaged. The atmosphere is polluted and man's health declines.

In ancient times, farming was done in accordance with the adaptive and natural environment of human health, due to which AGRICULTURE the cycle of exchange between biological and inorganic substances continued to run, resulting in water, land, air, and the environment was not polluted. In the year of ancient India, agriculture was followed by agriculture as well as evidence of which, in our texts, Lord Krishna and Balram AGRICULTURE are those whom we address in the name of Gopal and Haldar, that is, agriculture and Gopalan were jointly very beneficial, which That animal was very useful only for the environment and the environment. But in the changing environment, Gopalan gradually decreased and agriculture has been using various types of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, resulting in the balance of the cycle of biological and inorganic substances deteriorating, and AGRICULTURE polluted atmosphere, the human race Health is affecting Now, in the place of chemical fertilizers, use of poisonous pesticides, by using biological fertilizers and medicines, we can achieve maximum production, so that the land, water and environment will remain clean and humans and every organism will be healthy.
Organic farming AGRICULTURE
Organic farming AGRICULTURE

In India, agriculture is the mainstay of the rural economy and agriculture is the main income farmer. Considering the growing population from the time AGRICULTURE of Green Revolution and increasing the production from the point of view, it is necessary to use more quantity of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in the cultivation to produce higher yields, in which the small and marginal farmers have fewer Costs and water, land, air, and environment are also polluted, as well as food poisoning. Therefore, to deal AGRICULTURE with all the above-mentioned problems, it has been recommended to cultivate the principles of sustainable farming for last years, which was promoted by the State's Agriculture Department to adopt this special type of farming which we have to adopt for organic farming. Know by name. The government of India is also promoting this cultivation.

Mph, First of all, organic farming started in 2001-02 in a village of each development block of every district by introducing organic farming and these villages were named biological village. Thus in the first year, organic farming started in 313 villages. After this, organic farming was done in 2-2 villages, ie 1565 villages in the year 2003-04, in two-two villages of each development block in each district in the year 2002-03. In the year 2006-07, 5-5 villages were selected in each development block. Thus, the program of organic farming is being organized in 3130 villages of the state. In May 2002, a seminar on Organic Farming was organized in Bhopal under the aegis of the National AGRICULTURE level Agricultural Department, which was attended by experienced experts from national experts and organic farmers who were encouraged to adopt organic farming. To spread the awareness of organic farming in every district of the state, public awareness in the farmers should be spread through running tablets, posters, banners, literature, solo drama, puppet demonstrations, biological hats, and experts on the promotion of organic farming through experts. Has been there.

Benefits from organic farming AGRICULTURE

Benefits of Farmers 

 organic farming AGRICULTURE

  1. Increases the fertile capacity of the land.
  2. Irrigation intervals increase.
  3. Reduced dependence on chemical fertilizers reduces costs.
  4. Increase in productivity of crops
  5. Benefits of soil
  • The use of organic manure improves the quality of land.
  • The water holding capacity of the land increases.
  • Evaporation of water will reduce water.
  • Environmental benefits
  1. The water level of the land increases.
  2. There is a shortage of pollution through soil, food and water in the water.
  3. Due to the use of garbage, in manure, there is a shortage of diseases.
  4. Reduction in cost of crop production and increase in income.
  5. The quality of biological products in the international market competition.

The method of organic farming gives equal or higher production compared to the method of chemical farming, i.e. organic farming is completely helpful in fertility of soil and increasing productivity of farmers. The method of organic farming in the rain-fed areas is even more profitable. Farming by cultivating organic farming costs less than production, as well as earning more income to farming brothers, and biological products are more suitable in the international market competition. As a result, farmers' brothers can get more profit than normal production. In modern times, the path of organic farming is extremely beneficial for the ever-increasing population, environmental pollution, preservation of fertility of land AGRICULTURE and human health. It is essential for the all-round development of human life that natural resources should not be polluted, remain pure environment and keep nutritious food, for this, we have to adopt the agricultural methods of organic farming, which will be done without polluting our natural resources and human environment. We will be able to provide AGRICULTURE food to the public and will be able to show us the path to happiness.

Major organic manure methods for organic farming AGRICULTURE

Due to the introduction of chemicals in the fields, this biological system is going to be destroyed and land and water pollution is increasing. With the help of available biological resources in the fields, we have to make use of medicines for fertilizers, insecticides, rat control and making them unnecessary. Using these methods, we will get more yields AGRICULTURE and grains and fruit vegetables will also be poisonous and better. The mechanisms of nature's micro-organisms and organisms will again be able to collaborate in our farming.

Method of organic manure  organic farming AGRICULTURE

Now we will help in composting these micro-organisms in farming and help in the formation of fertilizers. These micro-organisms have been AGRICULTURE damaged by chemicals in the fields, so in each crop, we have to use their culture so that nutrients can be available to crops.

In pulley crops, 4 to 5 packets of rhizobium culture will be required to be added per acre. Put acetobacter cultures in the same quantity AGRICULTURE in one team crop. As well as the phosphorus in the land, PSP to dissolve it. Culture must be 5 packets per acre.

Some methods are being given below to make compost, make these composts in the fields and fertilize them. This compost will improve the composition of the soil, the number of microbes will also increase and the air circulation will increase, the capacity to absorb and hold water will also increase and the production of the crop will also increase. In the residues of crops and tree trees, they are all the elements they need: -

Nadep method: - organic farming AGRICULTURE

Size of Nadep: - Grow 12 feet in width 5 feet high and 3 feet in height. Ingredients for filling: - 75 percent of the drought of vegetation, 20 percent green grass, carrot grass, puol, 5 percent dung, 2000 liters of water.
All types of garbage are in small pieces. Drain the dung with water and soak the garbage well. Combine the shovel and make it crispy.

Method no.1 - Fill the Trash 4 finger into Nadep. Put the clay 2 fingers on it. Soak the soil with water too. When the pudda nadepe is full, then make it sloppy and make 4 Angul thick clay over it.
Law No-2- Laying the layer of 12 to 15 kg rock phosphate on the garbage, roast it with water. Insert water by laying 1 finger on top of it. If the cuff is full, cover 4 fingers with thick soil.
Law no. 3- Spread 2 finger thick neem leaves on each layer above the layer of garbage. After fertilizing this fertilizer nap compost 60 days after hitting one and half and a half feet, fill 5 packets of PBS and 5 packet ejacetobacter culture in 15 in water and fill it in holes. Close these holes with soil.

Vermicompost organic farming AGRICULTURE

To maintain the soil fertility and productivity for a long time, there is a special contribution of nutrient balance, for which to maintain the balance of the soil and plant nutrients, all types of organic compounds such as crop residues, dung manure, compost, Green manure, bacterial manure etc. are recommended for the production of vermicompost earthworms are prepared in special types of pits and etc. By creating untreated biological vegetative biosynthesis in the short-term biological fertilizers, its use improves soil health and improves the fertility of the soil, thereby improving qualitative improvements in crop production, thus The biological compost that is made through earthworms is called Vermicompost. Various types of micronutrients are also found in addition to nitrogen phosphorus and potash in Vermicompost.

Essential Ingredients for Vermicompost Production  organic farming AGRICULTURE

Selection of earthworms - EPGC or earthworms that are on the surface which is often brownish and small in size, which disintegrate organic matter in excessive quantities.
Quantification of moisture - It is very necessary to have the moisture of 30 to 35 percent for high growth and rapid reproduction of earthworms.

Air - There should not be enough ventilation and depth of pit for good growth of earthworms.
Darkness - earthworms generally prefer to live in the darkness, therefore, there should be a sack or roof shade or scaffold arrangement on the pits of the cantos.
Nutrient matter - For this, there should be proper arrangement of decompiled litter and dung mentioned above.

Reproduction in earthworms - organic farming AGRICULTURE

Earthworms become fit to become reproductive in adults, usually in 4 weeks, depending on suitable temperature, moisture food. Adult earthworms start 2-3 cocoons in one week and 3-4 eggs in a cocoon. Thus, in the first 6 months, about 250 earthworms are produced from a breed earthquake.
The main varieties of earthworms for vermicompost-

Alicia photida
Eudrils Eugenia
Paryonex executives
Pit size -
(40'x3'x1 ') With a density of 120 cubic feet, we get about four tonnes of Vermicompost in one year. To save the earthworms from the strong sunlight and lu etc., keep sprinkling of water on one or two occasions in the day so that the proper heat and humidity inside.
The method of making Vermi Compost-
To cover the above-sized pits, arrange the roof of 4 -5 ft height, (which is used to cover the peel / sack bore etc.) to prevent further shock, rain and loss. At the bottom of the pit, lay down the Eto chunks of small stones and soil 1-3 inch thick.

Crater Filling -organic farming AGRICULTURE

 organic farming AGRICULTURE

First, lay a layer of residues of two-three-inch thick maize, jowar or sugar cane etc. On top of it, layer two layers of thick half of the ripe cow dung and two inch thick Vermi compost in which the proper quantity of cocoon (earthworms' eggs) and adult earthworms, followed by 4-6 inches thick grass leaves, crops Spread a mixture of relics and dung and cover the pit with sack or sack. Sprinkle water on pits according to the weather. During this time, earthworms present in the pit take these organic substances and take them out as castings and start coming to the upper surface of the earthworm pit. This process takes 3-4 months. The dark surface of the pit indicates the formation of the Vermicompost. Similarly, for the second time, the compost is ready in 2-3 months after filling the pit.

Use method -organic farming AGRICULTURE

After the Vermicompost is ready, it should be made of the pile at the open space and dry in the shade, but be aware that it becomes moist. The present earthworms gather in the surface below. Which can be used in the second pit in the form of mother culture. After drying, the Vermicompost should be used in other fields/tree trays before sowing like other fertilizers. Planting tree - For 3-4 kg Vermicompost in tree trays for large fruit trees and arranging proper moisture by adding cow dung and crop residue etc.
  • Vegetable Crops-
  • Planting 2-3 Plants per acre by adding them to the Vermicompost farm.
  • Major Crops -
  • For normal crops also use 2-3-ton worm compost before sowing.

Benefits of Vermi Compost

organic farming AGRICULTURE

  1. Due to organic manure, Vermicompost contains more functional beneficial microorganisms which are beneficial and stimulating to micro-organisms living in the land.
  2. Plant nutrients present in vermicompost are easily available to plants.
  3. The use of vermicompost increases the biological activity of the soil.
  4. The use of vermicompost increases the production of gaseous matter (hummus) in the soil, increasing the soil fertility strength as well as increasing the water holding capacity of soil structure, air circulation and so on.
  5. Recycling of waste products or bio-decomposed waste is easily done through Vermicompost.
  6. Due to the organic compost of Vermicompost, the value of qualitative agricultural products produced there is more.
  7. Meat manure
  8. Mix 10 liters of Cow urine, 10 kg of cow dung, 100 grams of 500 gram, gram flour 500 grams, stirring it in 10 days, then dissolve in 200 liters of water and spray it between the queues on wet ground. After 15 days, sprinkle this again.
  9. New organic pesticide recipe for management of pests in rice
Organic farming AGRICULTURE
Organic farming AGRICULTURE

Description of Innovation -

organic farming AGRICULTURE

Rice is a major part of the human diet and it is grown in the big stories of the region. Energetic pesticides of pests such as stem piercer, leaf transmitter, whorl maggot and BPH produce health problems related to humans and animals, and even after recovery, their effect remains. On the other hand, there is a lot of potential and demand for rice produced biologically. Keeping this problem in mind, the farmer has developed a new biological-pesticide recipe with the help of naturally available ingredients.

Preparation Method:

Mix all the parts in a lid clay vessel and keep it for 5-7 days for the firmament. After that, mix the parts well and filter the ingredients and collect them. Use 5 liters of Sattva per 200 liters of water per acre.

Pest Control:

This recipe is effective for controlling insects such as stem piercer, leaf splitter, whorl maggot, BPH.
Statement of the problem (how a particular problem was resolved by innovation): Stem piercer, leaf transmitter, worm maggot and BPH such as pests cause severe damage to rice crop, resulting in a significant reduction in yield. The new biological-pesticide recipe has been found to be very effective for the control of stem piercer, leaf transmitter, whorl maggot and BPH and produces a huge increase in yield.

Process for the development of technology: Since rice is the primary source of the need for calories of the most population, biological insecticide plays an important role in the control of pests and it has no remaining effect on humans and animals, such as chemical insecticides The matter is common. The new recipe is environment-friendly. A new biological-insecticide is a process of removing and stopping insects and it keeps their population below ELT.

The domestic way of making organic manure

To make pest control for one acre of land, we need 20 liters of domestic cow cow urine 3 to 5 kg fresh green neem leaf or nimoli, 2.500 kg fresh green figure leaves, 2500 kg of the leaves fresh green, 2.500 fresh Green potato leaves, grate all these leaves and grind them in a fine kilogram and boil them by making chutney and adding 20 times water to it, prepare the kit or controller, by pumping it on a standing crop. And spraying any worms that damage the crop will end but will not cause any damage to the crop.

Pest control

Take 5 liters of domestic cow's whey. Add 3 kg of neem leaf or 2 kg neem cake and add it to 40 days and then add 5 liters of water to 150-200 liters of water and sprinkle the worm/juice-sucking insects on one acre of the crop.
Grind 500 grams of garlic, green chili powder and 500 grams of green chilies, grind them into 150 liters of water and sprinkle them for pest control.
Boil 10 liters of cow urine with 2 kg of actual leaves and boil it for 10 to 15 days, boil till this urine is remaining half, then add 1 liter of its mixture to 150 liters of water and sprinkle it for control of Root insect / Worm.

The effect of these drugs lasts only 5 to 7 days. So sprinkle one more time so that the second generation of insects can also be destroyed.
Bescharam leaves 3 kg and three dust of Dhatroa boil in 3 liters of water. After half the water remaining, filter it. Boil 500 grams of the gram in this pan, and boil it. Put these gram mice near the bills in the evening. It will help to get rid of rats.